tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Rehearsal Yet Again...

I don't really have the mean to return to act or to do anything with ATS for the moment but Fan is calling for SOS and I can be the only few she can call upon for this time.I was suppose to act for her in the next show which is a combination of Gui Zhou's Yu Dian Hua and ATS.At first it was only by the Gui Zhou kids but it was feedback that it was quite boring the last time round so therefore some drama is add to kill the boredom in the up coming show in Febuary.I am acting as the soldier who looked for the "King's New Clothes".
Later,Guangjie asked me to act her show too.I haven't really agreed to act in the show althought is will b a very small role which is like 3 mins on the stage only.
I also took note on the number of show which is a invitation performance from other countries.The last show was by Yunnan,upcoming is from Beijing,next will be Kunming and the next I know will be a show by a few countries.Where the hell ATS got the money where they keep conplaining they are very very poor.If the shows makes money,that's a different case but I don't think it will. *puzzled*