tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Eve 2004...

Since no people date me out to go count down or whatever,I stay at home until early evening before I head to my smallest uncle's house for the annually Christmas Eve Gathering.My mother as usual,made the kinniyaku jelly.I already eat until so sian at home. :D
Thought it will be a boring gathering as I am the oldest cousin rank in the family.the next is like my Chinese convert Singapore cousin where I don't know his age still and next come my brother sec 3 and another cousinsec 2.Others less then P5.The age gap is that damn different you see.I lay in another room when my brother ask me to play "dai-dee".Finally I can do something other than eat.Play play play.Before the serving my luck was alright,after serving I don't remember I win one time and I was always the loser as in I got the most card left in hand.
At 11.30pm,my brother and I both pairs of eyes was glued to the TV as the the Jap Anime Yinuyasha was being shown.Until 12am it ended and IS CHRISTMAS TIME *there aws no snow :(* but I don't hear the nearby church sound the bell and the kids in the house sang it themselves.They even put up a 20 mins performance for all of us.There was songs and skit.The longest song was "12 Days" and the skit is entitled The "POLO" Express.The story was like the was this boy who love to eat Polo and then this cute express took him to Polo Island to eat Polo. :D
We continued to play until 1.30pm where we are being chased home.Before we were chased home,we had a game of "Bluff" luckily I am not the loser this time.My uncle drove us home.Happy happy happy as this is not a expected boring gathering like the past years.