tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Saturday, August 07, 2004


Today was a small gathering.It is really small as only 5 people turn up.Chat chat chat is all we can do.As usual,update whatever news we can.
1) Nian Zu's father passed away due to cancer
2) Weijiang is single again as I do
3) Peihua is teaching Chinese in Stamford Pri
4) Mei'en third year NUS
5) Wanwen jie baby was born,named Rui Xi (words only)
6) Wenhui still got the Korean girlfriend
7) I am still in Poly and not in Army.That's not the point is they ask WHEN THE HELL AM I GOING INTO ARMY!
When I talk to them,do feel the gap sometimes.Although I know many things but maybe some are useless at times.We ate at some Japanese Restuarant in Far East.After that we went to Coffee Bean to drink and continue the chatting.To cover my flaws,I treat them the drinks.
And yah,went home at 9.50pm.
Oh my,when can we meet again when everyone got things to be busy when school re-opens next week or when can more people meet the next time?
I miss my Shao Er Zu,I miss the broadcasting time we had together.