tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Friday, September 09, 2005

Area 4 Games Day 2005...

This year Games Day is not held in Guangyang anymore.Is held in the new campus of Kuo Chuan in Bishan.Supposed to get there at 8am but for don't know what reason my handphone that alarm clock didn't ring to wake me up.I woke up only at about 8.30am.
I got up and start preparing my stuff as I will be running to a few places today.As I lazy to walk to the busstop I took a cab down to the school.Actually the motive down to the school is firstly to support my school Guangyang and look for the cadets that went to the ATC in Ubin.The next and quite stupid motive is to look at Sanly. =D
Got there and I was greeted by many cadets that know me as I am the Angel CI of the area.I head for hte field soccer as I wanted to be the refegee of the matches.I got what I want.The last of the semi-finals match till the finals is blow by me.
After the match I went to look for Sanly,she told me she will be stationed at the badminton area.But when I got there.The people told me that she have left.That was sad right?
After everything end,I was tired from the last few days,I flag a cab and went to work.Again going to PF at Suntec.