tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I Want To Blog...

Oh boy,working have been so busy recently...from 9.30am till maybe like 9 like yesterday.My working hours in the Kickers' warehouse is like 9.30 till 6.30pm the latest.Then after that normally be ATS till like 9pm or 9.30pm.I will be doing rehearsal there or making props.So when I got home will be like quite late le 11pm the earliest.When I got home,I will surf my routine sites and check mail.Else no because I am already so tired.So no time to blog here.But I do keep a little green book of mine of what happen all the time.They should be transfered to blog but I really don't have the time.If I sleep late my tomorrow will be terrible.No strength to life cartons of shoes.Pick shoes pick wrong,scan wrong.And most of all,moody.
But since I was saying I got no time,why am I typing all this craps now? *thinking*