tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Sunday, October 31, 2004

No Mercy...

WWE Smack Down presents [No Mercy]
The main match,WWE US Championsip between Booker T and John Cena and the WWE Heavtweight Championship between JBL and The Undertaker.
Watched the first few match between rival but gave Wendy a call because she was asking like tomorrow free to have dinner with her?She will be studying in the afternoon with Jeffrey.Little facts about Jeffrey.He was my facilitator for my last year's drama camp and his first stead was HUIMIN.And now is he courting Wendy?I can't put any conclusion in this.He will be leaving for a wedding dinner in the evening.
While talking to Wendy,missed a few matches like the US Champion and the Kurt Angle and The Big Show.Agreed to go dinner with her somewhere near Orchard.We'll see how when tomorrow comes.
After The undertaker loses his "last ride match" I went to sleep too.2.30am as recorded...