tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Electronic Devices Exam...

Just finished the exam and now I am in the compter lab in my school.Exam start at 2.10 and I finished and submit the paper at 3.15pm sort.Thought I can proudly get out of the room first but there were hell alot who very faster than me.Target section B then I do A.Section B sure will get about 35 out of 40.The rest will depends on the MCQs.
Head for the adminstration office to get the letter of Deferment and next to the computer.When I log on into my network,I found out that the bursary award form was not there for printing and view anymore.Later heading to the Students Affairs Dept to ask for more infomation.
Finally can rest a bit before next paper on next Monday.