tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Xiao Pin Performance....

Today went back to ATS to do rehearsal again.I really don't wish to be involve in this show because sure let other people shoot no matter you did well or poor.
Today's show was Xiao Po & Ji Gong.I was initially asked to act the Mr Blacky but there are still vacancy for the 2 main characters.So I stepped forward to say since I got the thing,I acted the Ji Gong.But if I wanted to act the Ji Gong then who will take the Xiao Po?In the very end,I take the Xiao Po because I am small and "English-fied",Guangjie take the Ji Gong,Fan take the teacher,new dance tacher take the Miss White and intend to add my brother for the Mr Blacky.
We will see how it goes.