tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Thursday, August 26, 2004

The Great Fall...

I keep calling my brother to find out where is he was he was playing soccer,a full match soccer.Then he promised to come but I can't locate where he is.Worse of all,i did not bring my handphone that day.
After the Cat High people came,I started to try to borrow a handphone from them.I got Aloysis hanphone in the end,though I don't really know him that well.He left the handphone with me.Therefore I and Zhong Hao decide to do something cheeky but looking into his inbox.WAH,80% of the message was from AnQing!
Then out of a suddenly,he appear in front of us.I closed the flip phone but it drop in the base of the stage.No choice,I have to go down with the route travelled by the phone.
The phone was lucky to have landed on the right side where it is not far from the floor level.But unlucky for me,I landed on the wrong side.It is about another 1.5 m++ lower then where the phone landed.Picked up the phone pass back to owner and find my way out.The main door must be locked therefore I took another door which lead me to outside the building.
After I came back to light,examine my injures.Got 2 big pieces of flesh removed on my right leg,a long cut 7 cm cut in my left arm and it hurts when I was walking.
Too bad,no people came forward to ask about me.MOREOVER NO PEOPLE CARE FOR ME! :(