tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Mini Stage Lightings...

In the end,did not go school today.Packed the house because my uncle and family from Hong Kong will be coming to my house for a visit and to see my that f***ing father.I didn't pack much though.
When to ATS to do the lights using LEDs,so a circuit board have to be use.Soldering will be done too.It is quite a difficult job thanks to ZiQiang who suggest the idea to boss and ran off half way.
I expected to finished the lightings and props by today but I couldn't.I can't even manage to complete the lightings.
It is quite a masterpiece of workdone of completed.I expect to complete it tomorrow as tomorrow will be the last day I can do.Props must be done too!
I don't want to sleep today because I wan to finish my unsettled tutorials!