tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Roy is a very good attacking player in the game.After the match we walked home.We start to chat abit,like asking me do I have a girlfriend.I told him my principle,bEiNgSiNgLeIsAbLeSsInG.
Then he start to talk about his girlfriend where they broke off not long ago.And this is the first time I heard of the reason why they broke off.Is not one sentence to summarise it.
What happen is that,the was a gang member who likes his girlfriend and threaten her that if she don't stead with him he will beat Roy up.WHAT HAS THE WORLD BECOME TO?!THIS IS SINGAPORE YOU KNOW!?So they broke off for the reason of safety.
Later Ry did look up for the girl again.Guess what the girl told him?She said she have fall in love for the gang member.WHAT IS THIS AGAIN!?
Before we parted,he showed my two letters which he rote and is looking for a chance to pass it to the girl.
Remembering during sec 3-4,I like this girl PeiFang in my class.I liked her but all I did was like stare at her when I gt the chance.And from this Roy's letters,I can see that he knows what he is doing and he express how he feels towards this girl very well.
An advice to Roy,it is still a puppy love relationship now.Don't take it too serious for your case.