tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Seafood Effect(Crab)...

Today,mummy cook 4 crabs for dinner.Rarely she do that because told you already,rarely.The crabs are fresh.My mother don't even dare to use knife to kill if so she just threw them into the freezer and froze them to death and for our consumption.
I ate it too.At home what,swollen also my brother and my mother see only.So I eat the carbby happily without fear.
While I was eating nothing happen.No lips or tougue swollen or even throat irriating.But somewhere else swollen.Tell you and promise again you don't laugh.My both hand's thumb and index finger swollen.Don't ask me why,maybe the four of them alergic too.
But after the fingers healing soon,I feel the heat on my lower lips.Meaning they are going to "grow" soon and indeed it did.
But I have to say again.Out of so many times I eat crab,I am the happiest today.