tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Changi Hospital Re-Visit...

Today I am going for appointment for the specialist.Ask me so many questions and suspect me of contracting to "sign-ness".I don't really know how to spell the word but if you know please correct me.I was asked to go for the x-ray and I took 4 pictures of my head. as if something is very very wrong with my head.
Yes! Something to praise about the hospital food was cheap. xD
And after the checkup ended,I was told I am supposed to come back for another appointment 3rd day of 2007.I went to collect some antibiotics and went to LiuQin's shop.I was still thinking why am I in this shit? I was only looking for a better medicine than what Teking gave but in the end I have to come back for appintment so many times -faint-