tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Monday, May 30, 2005


Today is the first day of work for Hitachi.Actually my brother will be my partner but his temper ah...hai...don't want to comment anymore. $60 for 3 hours only also don't want.Just because the people say his abit lazy.Rather to stay with his friends.No comments again.
Went to Ahmad Ibrahim Primary today.There are 25 sets over there with 2 new sets recently bought.Upon reaching the school,I quickly start my work as I am still heading somewhere else later.4th and 3t floor was easy,but 2nd and first floor,there doors aren't open.So I have to look for the whoever got the keys to open for me.Then on the ground floor,there is 1 missing projector.I ask the HOD,then he told mi is on the 2nd floor in a special room.Climb to second floor again to take a look and record down the datas.
After it is done,I quickly head for RI to collect the props and deliever it to Tao Nan School.Why am I doing this for Li Jia? Do't understand me also.This will be the last time.If he want me to help,I will charge already.