tHe sMaLl GrEeN tHiNg...

Friday, February 04, 2005

Performance Day 1...

Today is the first day of performance,of course everyone was excited about it.But not actually for me,too used to it.Before the thing starts,preparations was having its double checks including my check on the phycorama with JiaYi.I was partnering with her and is so relaxing.
The show start at 8.05pm.This was going pretty well today except the partnership with my partner Guo Sheng.Again to say,HE SUCKS!He was more sucky on stage then all the rehearsals at ATS.OMG!Why Fan want me to partner him?I think my brother will be better then him.I don't know what to say about him.Ok,cut the complains on him.
Other things goes well,except me and GuoSheng microphone and the sounds.For us is the microphone problem,control room complain us that our voice is too soft.I did put my voice out but still complain soft,funny.For him,he really speak soft.And yeah,there is one thing about him other then he is always out of position.He will only speak when I SPEAK!I tried to sabo him in one part by speak half way then stop.He stop with me.Luckily the part is pre-recorded. :D
As usual,the Xiao Hua have to cry for the last dance but they cry lesser.I mean the number of kids really cry is lesser.Only 2 cried with other 6 was sobbing or not even crying.But after the show,got people saw one two the viewers sobbing.That was touching.
After the show,got the makeup down and took Xiao Yin's mom car home.Phebe was in the car too,she will be drop at "Dobi Got" to take NEL home to SengKang.There was a massive jam at CTE but Xiao Yin's mom still joins the jam.The jam was quite nice as I can talk to Xiao Yin's mom in the car.Critise about many things,or that can be call gossips.Renjie and Jiayi took Jie Cong's car home.